Learning Curve


The Curve (y=2 * ln x +3) – note the boxes (ABC) are all the same height.

I’ve been thinking about this curve.  It represents learning over time, on average, in jobs/projects I’ve had.  At first (A) you know nothing so doubling your knowledge happens every day, once you start being useful (B) you’re still learning a bunch as you’re applying previous learning, and then eventually learning slows down (C).

I would like to always be able to throw myself back into A. I enjoy continuing to learn and grow. I feel fortunate that this is necessary and encouraged in software engineering as it is still a growing discipline.  I’m also a little afraid that the Steamroller will fucking get me.

C can be seductive.  I’ve spent time there.  The longer I spent there the more I grew afraid of change.  I now consider it a professional and personal hazard to spend time in C.

That feeling of getting into C?  When’s the last time you learned something new?  Have you surprised yourself?  Have you had the feeling of inventing yourself?

How do you pivot back to A/B?  To me the biggest step is to decide you’re ok with discomfort for growth.  Once that is settled I think the rest is pretty straight forward.  One can change jobs, change roles, change teams, start a new initiative, or just gravitate to a new work stream.