cto school notes 




Eric Tang @ericxtang @ Wildcard

15 eng to 1 infra eng (100 aws ec2)
 cluster perf (cpu, ram, etc)
 custom events (ex rate, throughput)

all data=time series
 graphana on top of influxDB
 'easier and prettier than graphite'
 influxdb takes UDP

event tracking: aggregation on non-timestamp fields, 
eg click counts by country
ELK: elasticsearch, logstatch, kibana stack
log files/metrics/scripts go to redis, redis to logstash, 
logstash to elasticsearch. kibana to read.
logstash: input/filter/output. custom config lang not json.
kibana4: just came out
ELK: redis buffer helpful to not overwhelm LS
events client has to be async (remember the logentries issue)
ES index should fit in memory

process: define metric, implement, measure


asciidoc (*.adoc)
 markdown with images/include files
 mostly for publishing
 asciidoctor.js chrome ext

"why I love java:"
 "* more than 9 mil developers use it - large workers pool"


Michael Hamrah

 env variables is the way to go
 service config via template ('ha' files)
 kill simple-web.py - sonsul sees service check is failing
 has ACL for passwords/etc
 docker friendly (tool: https://github.com/gliderlabs/registrator )

still a packer.io fan


Wes Chow @ chartbeat
 pre-mortems and task forces

culture: move fast, dark secrets, product focused
 how do you move it?

John Shook
 to change culture: change thinking to change behavior

***Pre-mortem: design doc
* >what are the assumptions (eg: usage rate)
* product launches then fails, what is the most likely cause
* are failures isolated
* expected db write rate
See https://hbr.org/2007/09/performing-a-project-premortem
The Pre-Mortem: A Simple Technique To Save Any Project From Failure
***task forces: IETF motto: "rough consensus and running code" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_consensus engineer leads a task force, then have a meeting (these are numbered, eg pep8) does not involve management weird consequences: project naming proposal: "short and descriptive" reply: not a good idea because projects move - better to pick random name revisit assumptions? haven't been doing it long enough. first task force: where do we caputure task forces? next one: unit tests onboarding process === pair code review - Dan Levenson dleve123 healthify.us ***invite to healthcare on aws social needs of low income populations clients: healthcare payers that are on the hook ***pair code review problem: 114 comments on PR process: 1) story/etc/code 2) code review (has a cycle of: comment, amend, repeat) - problem: multiple handoff cycles 3) merge pr/deploy problems: * not agile: no face to face conv * "i'll review it later" * dead time due to lack of CR scheduling * large PRs are daunting, even longer time scrum->kanban - minimize cycle time code review takes way too long process: * developer and reviewer agree to 1 hr time period adap * reviewer leads review and asks dev questions * reviewers comments on pr to doc actions during the meeting * developer revises (usually only once) pros: * scheduding -> less dead time * long comments replaced by quick convs * breeds pairing culture (but not dogmatic) cons: * bias of developer can affect reviewers === Architecture design meetings Nichola Grasset makespace.com any idea on process or tech: make a same day meeting to discuss eg: * should we migrate to new db? * need diff js framework? * can you plug analytics into your mobile app? process: * expose problem * suggest solution, usually on whiteboard * team tries to identify blockers ** blockers are the most important determinant in deciding progress why: move fast and slow === Steven Saporta, CTO, SwipeToSpin CTO weekly tech report audience: ceo/coo/others 1 doc/sheet per week health of tech team/health of product opened/closed issues metrics (filters in jira) metrics by customer help drive account manager intervention === Jean interlude: ***Jira: dot is magic keyboard shortcut (commands list) status change search: `updated >= -1d and status changed to closed` === perf management Colin Steele, CTO @ Room Key "the major problems are not technological, but sociological" -- tom demarco put the biggest hecklers on the steering committee of the perf management task force What went well/poorly/action items (ala retrospective)